Monday, October 26, 2009

What really is town and gown?

College towns are infamous for the bustling stores, over crowded bars, and more pizza places than bathrooms. Colleges and universities bring a great deal of economic push to the cities and towns they are in, but not without problems. It is obvious that where there is such a large university, there will be some issues within the town, whether property rights, zoning laws, or simply the number of college-aged kids that have invaded the town. But how great are these issues? What problems seem to occur most often? Who really has the power; the city, or the university?

It seems that colleges somehow mold the town to become one with the university. Take the University of Georgia for example, can you really think of UGA without the image of Athens along with it? What about the University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill, or the University of Auburn and well... Auburn. Each of these universities are so tighly knit with the town that the boundries between the two may at times seem unclear. Many students believe that the only reason the town or city actually exists is due to the college, while many of the "townies", as they are known by the students, think that at times the college is invading to much on their lives. 

This blog seeks to reveal the truth about the real issues between the town and gown. Where do the big problems arise and how does it affect the students as well as the locals.